An object that indicates one's success level to other people. Fun fact, at #GoldmanSachs, associates strut around in #Rolex watches, VPs sport more subtle #PatekPhilippe timepieces, while CEO #LloysBlankfein walks around in a Swatch, a #fuckyou sign of nothing to prove. (More on this via @thecut link in bio!) While we love that #Daytona as much as the next #Goldman guy, why don't you step it up to #CEOstatus and start thinking of more creative ways of proving your value? After all, true #VALUE lies in your #VIRTUES: #COMPASSION, #GENEROSITY, #HUMANITY. The only way to flaunt those babies is through your #ACTIONS, so roll up your sleeves and throw a good deed or two into that value gamut! ✨